Archives January 2019

That One Day …

I had always wanted to have a story. I didn’t think I was asking for much … you know, just something that would outline and define my purpose here on earth, and would clearly explain why I wake up in the morning, and what I do with my time once I am awake. Surely most people want to know their purpose in life, and for me it was being a mom, a wife, a business owner, a Christian and a friend. Not necessarily in that order. Apparently, in life I did not have them in the right order either. I’m pretty sure that’s the exact thought God was having when that one day happened.

It was the day that everything changed. Like you, I have had plenty of great days and bad days, but exactly one week prior, I had the worst day of my life. So as I was struggling to find answers to “why?” and “how?”, with nowhere else to turn, I got cozy on my favorite white-ish couch, clutched my Bible and on that quiet afternoon cried out to God for help.

I had hit rock bottom. BUT, God was the rock.

It’s amazing and almost surreal how God can change things in an instant. My entire life I had been a pretty good person. I prayed often and of course, I called myself a Christian because I asked Jesus to come into my heart in Kindergarten. After attending a Christian school for 14 of my first 18 years of life, I really didn’t know anything else, and hence I didn’t feel like I had much of a testimony. But on that one day, as soon as I threw up my hands and gave God complete control of my life, everything changed. The personal relationship I had heard about for decades suddenly came to life, and I heard Him actively speaking to me as if He were sitting right beside me. Such comfort comes from knowing that He really is right there with me, in the midst of the mess, with open arms and loving guidance.

Here are the 5 truths I saw clearly, and claimed boldly that day:

  1. God wants to be first in my life. He doesn’t want to ride in the back seat; He wants to drive! For those who know me, I am a car girl, and sharing my cars is not my thing … at all. But, letting God ride in the back seat or passenger seat (or trunk!) won’t cut it because that leaves me controlling where the car goes. The only way to be assured I’m on the right path is to hop out of the driver’s seat so God can take the wheel. By the way, the car is His anyway.
  2. God will never fail me. People will fail me, and unfortunately I will fail them, too. But, God is perfectly loving and gracefully merciful, so He alone is worthy of my trust and my praise. It is too great a burden to put my hope in another human being because there is no way any of us can live up to the expectations of another. God created us in His image, but we cannot come close to replacing Him, and disaster follows when we put too much emphasis on other people.
  3. My worth was determined on the cross. Jesus died for my sins, which means I am worth it. Period. I am worth His love – I am worth His time – I am worth His life. Earthly circumstances can often make us feel like we are worthless and even cast labels onto us that diminished our self-esteem and erode our hope in life. God sent His only Son to earth to die so that I (and you) could be saved and restored, so what else could I possibly need to know? That is the ultimate and eternal form of hope!
  4. Love like Jesus. In the midst of the most unlovely situations, is when I must show the most love. Gosh, if this isn’t the most difficult thing, though! I do the most praying over this particular topic, and it’s the area of my life I have seen the most redirection in. Showing love to someone who doesn’t seem to “deserve” love or kindness has become one of the most rewarding feelings I have ever known. It’s a pure form of joy that comes from following Jesus, and the key is to listen and obey to what He is telling you to do.
  5. Boldly share my story for God’s glory. I have often laughed at myself thinking “be careful what you wish for” because I always wanted a testimony that would show God to others via my life, and boy did I get it. I am willing and eager to endure whatever comes my way because I know the Creator of the universe is walking with me and will use my unfolding story for His kingdom’s glory. Rather than having a bleak outlook because of earthly circumstances, I feel so blessed to be in the midst of troubles because that gives God a perfect platform to do His work.

This is [becoming] my story.